We are delighted to be in conversation with our host parish, University Congregational United Church of Christ, about the process of reopening for in-person worship. We recognize, however, that the COVID-19 pandemic is not fully over even though more and more people are being vaccinated every day. As such, we intend to take precautions to preserve the safety and peace of mind of our parishioners.
Precautions St Photini Universalist Orthodox Church intends to take the following precautionary measures to facilitate safer in-person worship. These are subject to change in the event of new developments in the ongoing response to the pandemic, and in close collaboration with our host parish:
-Please stay home if you are sick, especially if you have a fever or other COVID-like symptoms. For a list of common COVID-19 symptoms, please refer to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) or the World Health Organization (WHO). -Our priest and cantor are fully vaccinated, and will be masked for Liturgy. -A sign-in sheet will be posted at the door of the chapel. When attending Liturgy, please sign in with your name, contact info and vaccination status. This will aid us in the unlikely event of needing to do contact tracing. Additionally, contact info will allow us to stay in touch with new visitors and keep parishioners up to date on upcoming events! -All visitors and parishioners should be masked when congregating in the UCUCC building and during worship. Worshipers may unmask while taking the Eucharist. -Please maintain social distancing while standing for Liturgy. A limited number of chairs will be provided at an appropriate distance from each other. -The chalice and spoon will be wiped down prior to and after each Liturgy for sanitation purposes. For liturgical reasons, we cannot offer an alternative to the common cup. Those who do not wish to receive are welcome to come forward at the time for communion and ask for a blessing in lieu of the Eucharist. -Exercise care in venerating icons by making a metanoia (bow from the waist while making the sign of the cross) rather than kissing the icon. How You Can Help The Orthodox faith takes seriously the directive of Christ that "where two or more are gathered in my Name, there am I among them." To that end, we are only able to offer a full Divine Liturgy with Eucharist if at least one layperson or visitor attends the service. For friends and parishioners of our community who want to help, here are some ways you can be involved: -Attend Sunday Liturgy: Come and receive the body of Christ. Your presence helps us to fulfill the sacramental life of the Church, and all are truly welcome. -Bake bread: We intend to start a rotation of bakers to bake the holy bread which will be used for communion, so as to take some of the pressure off of any one parishioner or clergyperson. If you are interested in baking, let us know! The recipe and seal will be provided. -Come sing with us: Orthodoxy has a rich tradition of church music, and singing for the community is a great way to both pray and offer a service to the church. We welcome all experience levels! -Bring food for fellowship: After Liturgy, we like to gather as a community to enjoy some food and fellowship. Bring a dish to share, whether store-bought or homemade. -Tithes and donations: We are able to accept tithes and donations on a case-by-case basis. We are not yet registered as a 501c3 nonprofit in the State of Washington, and are still in the process of filling out the paperwork necessary to process donations. If you have gifts you would like to give, send us an email and we will determine whether we are able to accept them at this time, and under what parameters. We appreciate the generosity of our community, and whether we are able to accept a particular gift at a particular time or not, no gift is too small and no gesture goes unappreciated.
Have something in mind that's not on the list? Feel free to reach out and ask. We are always looking to expand the scope of our ministry through the organic gifts and talents of our parishioners.